Collateral Services Inc.
Home / Frequently Asked Questions



» What does CSI do?

CSI is an industry leader in collateral analysis. We help lenders better manage their lending environments by taking the busy work out of the analysis process and redirecting the focus to the bottom line. CSI provides accounts receivable, accounts payable and inventory analysis based on the individual requirements of each loan agreement provided by the lender. CSI is also available to help in other areas of risk management and process improvement depending on your needs. Contact us for additional information.
For more information please see our Products and Services.

» Why should we use CSI?

CSI has trained personnel processing the reports on a monthly/weekly basis. This is what they do 100% of their time, so they have a trained eye in catching issues or problems that someone who has many tasks to do may miss.

» What about confidentiality?

CSI has a confidentiality agreement with the lender. If a particular borrower wants a separate confidentiality agreement with CSI, that can be arranged.

» Does CSI provide training?

Yes, please contact us about setting up training for your office.

» How is the borrower involved?

CSI's interaction with the borrower is at the lender's discretion. CSI does not provide analysis directly to the borrower. Through AR_View, the lender is able to export and forward reports to the borrower.

» Can CSI interface with other financial systems?

Yes. We currently interface with multiple financial posting systems including the Stucky and ABLE systems. CSI believes that we have the ability to feed into all posting systems given the proper layout and information needed.
Please contact CSI for more information.

» What are my options when it comes to viewing CSI's Reports?

Lenders can view the results of CSI's output using one of two options.

  1. Client application installed on each user's PC and a backend database installed on the network.

  2. Browser-based web application requiring a web server to be configured inside the lenders firewall.
Both applications enable lenders to view and print reports, output data to spreadsheets, and perform queries and filters of the clients' data.

» What software does the lender need to run the AR View Application?

A Windows based computer has proven successful with CSI's client application, and an Internet connection with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher web browser has proven successful for CSI's web based system.

» What is CSI's turnaround time?

The turnaround time for any process is negotiated on a lender by lender basis. As an added benefit, CSI also has integrated a system to prioritize clients as the files are received based on the lenders agreed priority rating.

» Can CSI convert entire portfolios and how long does it take?

Converting lenders' entire portfolios standardizes the lending environment, and makes managing loans and clients more efficient. The timely overhead of manually verifying calculations is taken out of the analysis equation, and the lender is left with a set of tools to help make better lending decisions on each client, individually, or as an entire portfolio.

The length of time it takes to convert an entire portfolio depends on a number of variables, including how many deals in the portfolio, and the intensity of the lender's effort and direction. The key to a speedy conversion is communication with the bank personnel, and commitment from the lender's senior management in moving to an improved lending environment.

» Does CSI detect fraud?

CSI does not detect fraud.
The tools provided by CSI may indicate potential fraud or suspicious activity, but it is up to the lenders to use CSI's application and investigate questionable transactions.

» Does the system handle confirmations or verifications?

CSI's main application, AR View, gives the lenders the capability to verify the borrower's receivable balances. To use this service, the borrower may need to provide a customer master listing.

» How does CSI's work effect the auditors?

The impact on auditors is significant. When auditors use CSI's products, it allows for more time to be spent identifying new credit risk situations rather than spending significant time calculating ineligibles. Auditors can also use CSI's products as a base to compare client's numbers to, identify invoices or inventory items for testing, and provide many other key benefits that allow for auditors to better manage each account efficiently.

File Information

» What files/reports are needed?

The basic accounts receivable analysis requires an accounts receivable aging with invoice level detail. Most borrowers also send an accounts payable aging to calculate contra. Those lenders who use the confirmations feature may also need the borrower to send a customer master file.

For the inventory service, a simple inventory listing with location, item number, item description, on-hand quantity, unit cost, and extended cost is the standard.

For both of these services, the files should be exported directly from the borrowers' accounting systems.

It is very important that the client produce the same reports in the same format and layout every month.

CSI can handle a broad range of file formats - including, text, comma delimited, tab delimited, Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PDF, and HTML to name a few. However, PDF files cannot be based on scanned documents. The files must be readable as text using text editors such as notepad.

» How can files be transmitted securely?

When sending financial reports, confidentiality is of great importance. Many lenders and borrowers have different security protocols, and we are willing to work with any requirements to ensure all of your security needs are met. We currently transfer files using FTP, GPG/PGP Keys, physical mail, encrypted emails, etc.

» What if the borrowers' files are too big?

If a borrower's file is too big to transfer, the file can be compressed using a zip utility before sending. If the compressed file is still too big, the borrower can make a copy of the file on a disk and send the disk directly to CSI.


» Can CSI handle customized ineligibles?

Yes, we can handle 99.9% of all ineligibles from a simple 90 day prior calculation to a complicated concentration limit across multiple clients. To see a listing of our standard calculations please see our Ineligible Calculations.

» Can CSI handle multi-group deals?

Yes. We know that working with a multiple company deal can be stressful and very time-consuming for the lender. We can calculate ineligibles on a consolidated basis or separate divisions on their own. CSI can even calculate ineligibles independently, but calculate specific ineligibles across multiple divisions.

» Can CSI handle deals where the Foreign and Domestic are looked at separately?

Yes. We can split the aging(s) up by address information or by using any method of identification to calculate the ineligibles separately.

» Can CSI handle multiple currencies?

Yes, CSI can convert entire portfolios, clients, customers or individual invoices into different currencies. It is done at the advisement of the lender.

» Can CSI work with insurance limits?

Yes, we can handle just about any insurance calculation, including placing insurance caps on specific customer(s)/group(s), tracking co-pays, or even handling country limits. We can also handle special requests because we know that each loan agreement has it's own rules.

Couldn't find an answer to your question(s)?
Give us a call us at 913.680.1015 or send us an email at and we would be happy to provide further assistance!

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